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Analysis on the Longitudinal Spacing of Lighting Lamps in the Facade of a Building
Li Chengbo
(Central-South Architectural Design Institute)
Abstract: In recent years, with the development of science and technology, more and more building facade lighting has been applied to the nightscape planning of major cities in China. The important landmark buildings of the city are currently beautified by the use of night-time fa9 ade lighting, which not only enriches and develops the night scene of the city, but also improves the quality of the citizens′night economic life environment. Buildings use facade lighting to display various static or dynamic images for cultural and brand promotion, but too dense facade lighting will cause a waste of resources, and too sparse facade lighting will not get a good viewing effect. How about Setting the distance between the fa9 ade lighting lamps to achieve a balance between economy and effect is the focus of this article.
Keywords: facade lighting; spacing; night view; flood lighting; energy saving and emission reduction;
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