
参考文献[1] 国办发[2020]39号.新能源汽车产业发展规划(2021—2035年).

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[8] DB11/T 1774-2020建筑新能源应用设计规范[S].
Research on EV Charging Infrastructure Planning
Wu Xiaohai
(China Academy of Building Research)
Abstract: Distributed charging piles have the problems of low capacity utilization rate and high maintenance and replacement cost. When increasing the number of distributed charging piles in urban charging infrastructure construction, it is necessary to avoid capacity multiplication, investment multiplication and inefficient operation. Part of the occupied capacity can be merged from the planned and originally built distributed charging piles, and the flexible charging piles can be used to complete the integration of distributed capacity resources, and optimize the layout of centralized charging piles and distributed charging piles, and reduce the capacity occupation. The electric vehicle charging infrastructure is intensively integrated to form a charging pile cluster, which improves the charging service capability, promotes the innovation and development of charging service and management system, and creates conditions for building the intelligent energy storage emergency system of the charging infrastructure cluster in the future.
Keywords: flexible charging module stack; intensive integration; smart energy storage; data link of energy internet of things; intelligent linkage control;
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