
作者:孙兰飞 续玥榕 赵晓 刘占盛
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Research on absorption refrigeration scheme based on comprehensive utilization of nuclear energy
Sun Lanfei Xu Yuerong Zhao Xiao Liu Zhansheng
(China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: In this paper, the working principle of absorption refrigeration is introduced in detail, the advantages and disadvantages of absorption refrigeration are analysed, and the typical cogeneration schemes such as thermoelectric steam cooling are introduced. Taking CPR1000 and pool reactor as examples, this paper analyses the parameters of heat supply side, and the cooling scheme and cooling scale of demand side. Combining the characteristics of supply and demand sides, an absorption refrigeration scheme based on the comprehensive utilization of nuclear energy for hot water and steam supply is formed, and the reliability and economy of the scheme are compared. The results show that the scheme of steam absorption refrigeration unit based on CPR1000 and the scheme of hot water absorption refrigeration unit based on pool reactor have obvious technical and social economy.
Keywords: absorption refrigeration; BrLi; hot water type; steam type; zone cooling; economy;
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