

莫振林 彭小军 彭林 袁永强 张鑫祥 康景文. 局部倾斜建筑分区域综合纠倾技术研究与运用[J]. 建筑结构,2023,48(06):137-142.

MO Zhenlin PENG Xiaojun PENG Lin YUAN Yongqiang ZHANG Xinxiang KANG Jingwen. Research and application of integrated incline-rectifying by region for a partially inclined building[J]. Building Structure,2023,48(06):137-142.

作者:莫振林 彭小军 彭林 袁永强 张鑫祥 康景文
单位:中国建筑西南勘察设计研究院有限公司 四川省建筑科学研究院有限公司
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Research and application of integrated incline-rectifying by region for a partially inclined building
MO Zhenlin PENG Xiaojun PENG Lin YUAN Yongqiang ZHANG Xinxiang KANG Jingwen
(China Southwest Geotechnical Investigation & Design Institute Co., Ltd. Sichuan Institute of Building Research)
Abstract: Through the investigation of the uneven settlement and superstructure damage of a partially inclined building, the force and deformation characteristics of the building after the uneven settlement were analyzed, and the basic characteristics of partially inclined buildings and its difference form the overall inclined buildings were given. According to the characteristics of partially inclined, the building was divided into "rigid rotation zone" and "coordinated rotation zone", and the damaged characteristics and influencing factors of different types of "coordinated rotation zone" were further analyzed. The analysis results show that the rectifying tilt processing with "partition processing and overall coordination" as the general idea, local jacking resetting the "rigid rotation zone",taking the measures of rectifying column landing, setting disconnected area damaged component reinforcement and uniting hoop stirrup in tensile zone and cushion caps for different types of "coordinated rotation zone" have achieved good rectifying effect.
Keywords: partially inclined; rigid rotation zone; coordinated rotation zone; integrated incline-rectifying by region; rectifying column landing; uniting hoop stirrup in tensile zone and cushion cap
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