
摘要:通过探究博物馆照明的发展历程, 分析博物馆照明发展的方向。未来博物馆LED照明将会更智能、自然, 与其他技术结合更紧密。未来的OLED与激光将从面光、点光两个方面替代LED光源, 将大量应用于展柜、库房等区间;激光具有光束角度小、亮度高等特点, 是未来重点照明的趋势。此外, 为了控制方便, 照明将与物联网融合, 成为智慧博物馆的重要组成部分, 而新的可见光通讯技术将使这一融合更加紧密。
关键词:发光二极管 有机发光二极管 激光 物联网 可见光通讯
作者简介:伍必胜, 研究生, 设计总监, 高级工程师, Email:2851205610@qq.com。


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Museum Lighting Technology and Development Trends
Wu Bisheng
(Guangdong JG Lighting Technology Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: The paper discusses the trends of the museum lighting after LED time by the researching of the development. Intelligent, natural & trans bounding will be the keywords of the museum lighting in the future. The next generation of lighting could be OLED & Laser, they would take the place of Led in the flood & spots lighting which would be widely use in the cabinet & warehouse area of the museum. While laser is more suitable for focus lighting. What's more, smart led lighting will take the role part of the intelligent museum with the help of the light communication.
Keywords: LED; OLED; laser; IoT; lighting communication;
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