
作者:肖鑫 王新芳
单位:成方金融信息技术服务有限公司 中国移动通信集团设计院有限公司
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Practical Experience of UPS Battery Replacement in Data Center
Xiao Xin Wang Xinfang
(CHENGFANG Financial Information Technology Service Co., Ltd China Mobile Group Design Institute Co., Ltd)
Abstract: The UPS battery in data center is the core of the backup power supply. In addition to regular inspections and maintenances, the UPS battery needs to be updated at a proper time to ensure the effectiveness of the battery and the continuous operation of the whole power distribution system. In this paper, the process of UPS battery replacement is scientifically divided into three stages: preliminary preparation, site construction and verification test, the main points of work in each stage are accurately summarized based on practical experience and some precautions for the implementation of UPS battery replacement are put forward.
Keywords: data center; battery; online replacement;
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