
作者:李杰 刘春凤 陈春燕
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Research on the Comparison and Connection of the Measurement and Pricing Models of Construction Projects in Fujian and Taiwan
​​​​​​​LI Jie LIU Chunfeng CHEN Chunyan
(School of Managenemnt,Fujian Universtiy of Technology)
Abstract: The principles of the project cost management models in Fujian and Taiwan are similar,but there are certain differences in the path and elements formed. Based on the comparison of the measurement and pricing basis,cost composition and measurement basic unit,measurement rules and pricing procedures of the construction projects in Fujian and Taiwan,the paper proposes the connection path of the measurement and pricing models of the housing construction projects across the Taiwan Straits,hopes to promote the integration and development of both sides of the Taiwan Strait through mutual recognition and exchange of industry standards.
Keywords: pricing basis; measurement rules; double standards in one matter; convergence benchmark;
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