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Research on Complaint Handling Mechanism and Complaint Handling System of Housing Engineering Quality
DONG Qunzhong
(Rencheng District Finance Bureau of Jining City,Shandong Province)
Abstract: At the present stage,the quality problem of housing project in our country is still in a frequent period,but the difficult problem that there is no way to complain about the quality of housing project and the complaint is invalid has not been solved completely.In order to improve the governance ability and level of the construction system,must take solving the problem of residential engineering quality complaints as the starting point,strive to break down the institutional obstacles,innovate the engineering quality complaint handling mechanism,improve the complaint handling system,and establish a national housing project quality complaint network. Form a national unified housing project quality complaint network to facilitate housing consumers to complain about project quality. At the same time clarify the division of responsibilities for handling complaints,standardize the process and time limit for handling complaints,and improve relevant systems and measures to deal with quality complaints,implement everything,and do a good job in handling housing project quality complaints.
Keywords: housing engineering quality; complaint handling mechanism; complaint handling system;
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